Thursday, August 15, 2013

Over the hurricane season hump...

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As the eastern coast of the United States begins to move through the peak of the Atlantic hurricane season, many are very happy with the rather mild storm season that has been 2013. However, even of this writing, tropical storm Erin is forming off the east coast of Africa and another in the Caribbean Sea, both expected to gain strength in the next couple of days. While we are still on alert, we feel that it should be time to review some basic hurricane safety tips in the event we take on a storm or two before November.

1. Have a safety plan

This should go without saying. Your family should know exactly what to do in case the alarm is sounded. Transportation and escape routs need to be preplanned to avoid the eventual gridlock that will choke the area up. Keep the gas tanks in all of your vehicles topped off. Keep 1st-aid kits in all vehicles. If in a particularly seedy area, know how to use and keep a firearm to defend against looters and those who may harm you or your family. Develop and review meeting places in case of separation.

2. Get access to and study safety and training materials

The public library has a whole wealth of information that you can use to sharpen up your knowledge about how to prepare for a hurricane. Army and Navy surplus stores are great resources for cheap and plentiful gear you can use to create a bug-out-bag, premium 1st-aid kit, and general tools and supplies. Get to know your neighbors and review with them your contingency plans and offer to help them out with theirs, if possible. Remember, your neighbor can be your best friend in an emergency. Use them.

3. Don't panic. Use your head.

Real Estate in Punta GordaIf you can get out of town and to a safe area, do so in a safe and methodical manner. There is no need for one more panicked person clogging up the highways. Don't drive into the hurricane. If a road looks too flooded to cross, DO NOT CROSS IT! 1 and 1/2 half feet of fast moving water can sweep a modern car away so don't chance it. If you decide to ride it out and stay at home, keep away from windows and doors. Stay out of basements and low areas. If ordered to do something by EMS personnel, do as they say as they are there to save your life.

Remember, it's best to stay alert and safe for the remainder of hurricane season. Make sure you use common sense and are well prepared and you should be okay in case something big comes your way. Have a safe hurricane season!

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